The purpose of AWBC is to acknowledge the amateur web-builders throughout the internet that take the time and energy to learn how to build web sites and
share their enjoyment and aquired skills with others. We hope to gain membership through
other websites that enjoy passing on their knowledge with others and are proud of their
accomplishments in web-building.
We intend to use this site as a "go-to" place for members and those that just need a little help in building their websites, by offering pages of guidance for what they may be needing assistance in. If you are a member, and have something of value for builders, you will be given credit for your entry.
If you are interested in becoming a member, the guidelines are stated on the application page. Simply read the guidelines and fill out the form. If selected for membership, you will be added to the membership rolls and a link will be added to your site. We encourage all amateur web-builders to apply if you desire to acknowledge the fact that you have created your website on your own and have not paid for services to achieve your goals. Thank you for stopping by.
Updated: September 10, 2003.
Created: November 16, 2002.